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XPAT Data Selection Interface

Up to now, XPAT was offered in the basic version for use with data freely available on the Internet (depatisnet, Espacenet). These sources are only used for searching documents. On the other hand, most of the data sets were downloaded from the EPO's Open Patent Service. This mechanism remained and is still available to the system, although we now have other and much more professional ways to provide the system with data.

We now subscribe to DocDB and are able to use the data in our systems. We can also provide customers with the state of the art on a certain research subject in a document bundle as a first - fill. It should be noted that the DocDb does not have full texts, i.e. claims and descriptions. However, these can easily be reloaded at the customer's site using the XPAT completion grabber.

XPAT Data Selection database with around 140 million data records

With this database, which can be booked, a supplementary solution of its own has been created. Relying on the free databases on the Internet alone has become quite problematic. Not all users know that in Espacenet there is a search field "Claims", but in connection with e.g. the states US, CH, AT, IN, CN, JP, FR, GB, AU no hits can be achieved, because there is no indexed claims data in Espacenet for these documents. Many users do not realize this! We do not know wheteher this might be changed and how long it will take.

So the result when using such fields should be taken with caution. There is no claim or description data in DocDb. We ourselves do not want to build another system in which there are 140 million documents with the full texts. There are now too many data providers for that. Using a good wheel is always better than reinventing the wheel. Here, we rely on our partners from Questel or Octimine. In addition, we can use almost any source (including literature data, by the way) via our converters, as long as the data to be converted is machine-readable, structured and not encrypted.

Based on the DocDb from the EPO, the data can now be offered in a separate database. Over 140 million documents are available for searching in XPAT Data Selection. This new database can be used in two variants:

  • as a pure search database with an online account
  • as a search database with the option to transfer the search results directly into the internal XPAT database.

XPAT Selection Data Interface Screenshot

Transfer data to XPAT

The second option allows an XPAT user to keep both his documents internally as before, to classify them, to comment on them and to have them evaluated in one or more patent rounds. The idea of the XPAT system is precisely to map a significant subset from the larger whole. A subset that only contains what is important for the own company. On the other hand, it is possible at any time to search freely in the documents of the XPAT Data Selection via the interface and, if required, to view documents directly on the screen, to mark interesting documents and, for example, to load only the relevant fonts into the internal XPAT database. Of course, this is also much faster than grabbing, even if one should still load claims and descriptions separately afterwards.

Search in XPAT Data Selection

When searching in the XPAT Data Selection database, you can also use the tried and tested search language that is also used in XPAT itself. The XPAT Data Selection interface greatly expands the possibilities for XPAT users. The state of the art can be transferred directly into your own system up to a key date.

This interface is the option to add to the standard system. The documents have the bibliographic data and the abstracts. Full texts are unfortunately not available here. If necessary, these must be loaded with the completion grabber.

XPAT Selection Data Interface Screenshot

This interface is the option that can be added to the standard system.

  • Direct access from XPAT
  • Fast download
  • Unified search options